Ways To Get Pregnant With A Boy - Learn Tactics To Make a Son

The stages of ovulation are very important for ensuring that you will become pregnant with a male baby

The first half of your menstrual cycle is known as the follicular phase. The follicular phase can take as little as 7 days or as long as 30 or 40 days.    At the beginning of your cycle the lining of your uterus is nice and thick. When you have not been impregnated your estrogen and progesterone levels will become low. When your body realizes that it is not pregnant it will begin shedding the top layer of your endometrium to make way for a healthier new lining. While you are menstruating your low levels of estrogen will release hormones known as the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (ovulation calendar for conceiving a male baby). Each follicle contains an egg and the FSH hormone encourages the production of new eggs. As your cycle progresses they follicles will start releasing estrogen and one of the follicles will become the dominant follicle. When your estrogen levels reach a certain point this will tell your body that the egg is mature and ready to be released.  Once your estrogen levels are high enough your body will surge with LH and you will start ovulating very quickly after.

By having the male penetrate deeply during intercourse it will help to deposit the sperm as close as possible to the cervix. A position that always allows for deep penetration is the classic missionary position where the woman is on her back on the bottom and the man is on top. Bring the legs of the woman up to the man’s shoulders or put a thick pillow or blanket under her rear and the penetration will be even deeper. A rear entry sex position known as doggy style works well in that lifts the uterus flush with the vaginal opening (how to make sure you have a boy baby). By lying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips your pelvis will be raised to meet the penis and the penetration will be increased. By having sex while standing up gravity will help you become pregnant with a boy baby because the female X chromosome will be slowed down by gravity pulling it down. An important part of having sex to conceive a boy is to use a sexual position that will allow for the woman to have multiple orgasms. The contractions of the uterus during orgasm will help move the spermatozoa through the vaginal canal and into the cervix. In order to give the sperm the best push through to the cervix the woman should be in the middle of her orgasms when the man ejaculates. If a woman achieves orgasm it will convert the pH of her vagina to more alkaline that increases the survival rate of the male sperm.

The luteal phase was coined after the corpus luteum and is the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. You will begin this phase once you ovulate which happens when a mature ovum is released from the ovary and is available to be fertilized. The corpus luteum is what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. If the egg is not fertilized the corpus luteum dies and uterus lining stops thickening and is consequently shed during menstruation. If the ovum is fertilized by male carrying sperm the corpus luteum will begin to receive human chorionic gonadotropin from a developing embryo. The corpus luteum lasts for about ten weeks after ovulation and after this time the placenta takes over progesterone production through the end of pregnancy. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days and can be known as the two week wait. While luteal phase length will be fairly consistent from cycle to cycle for one woman it will vary significantly between different women. This phase must be longer than 10 days in order for the uterine lining to develop fully. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.

It is not always possible to achieve pregnancy without help and if you have been trying for one year without success you can seek help with a reproductive endocrinologist. You can utilize other techniques such as in vitro fertilization if a reproductive endocrinologist is unable to help you conceive naturally. One method known as the Ericsson Technique seeks to isolate the faster swimming boy sperm from the slower swimming girl spermatozoa in order to guarantee what sperm you will receive (ways to get pregnant with a boy). Once the spermatozoa is segregated you will be inseminated with the spermatozoa that will enable you to conceive the gender you desire. Microsort transfers the preferred sperm into the uterus after dousing them with bright dye and separating them based on the bigger girl producing sperm absorbing more dye and glowing brighter than the boy ones. There is another more costly and more invasive procedure known as in vitro fertilization in which embryos are created outside the womb and then tested for genetic disorders and gender. IVF starts with a round of fertility drugs to stimulate your ovaries to produce several eggs for fertilization. Your doctor gives you an anesthetic and removes your eggs from your ovaries by inserting a needle through your vaginal wall and then your eggs are fertilized with sperm in a petri dish. Once the eggs have been fertilized after 3 to 5 days some cells are detached in order to confirm their gender. The doctor then injects the embryos back into your uterus by inserting a thin catheter through your cervix.