Male sperm thrive in a vagina that is more alkaline than acidic as a higher pH favors conception of a boy. You can create a higher pH environment where it is more likely that the Y chromosome spermatozoa will reach the ovum before the X chromosome sperm. Digital pH testers and test strips are low cost ways to test the pH of your vagina easily. An ideal vaginal pH will measure 8.0 to 9.9 on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. By reaching into your vagina and gathering some cervical mucus you will be able to test your pH (methods for having a baby boy naturally). Once you have some cervical mucus you can then test it with your pH strips or digital tester. If you find that your vagina is very acidic try douching with baking soda one hour before intercourse. To make an alkaline douche dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and wait ten minutes. Insert the mixture into the vagina with a douche or a large syringe while lying down. Many practitioners do not recommend extensive douching while trying to conceive.
Get pregnant with a boy by understanding how the luteal phase of your body affects fertilization
The second stage of your cycle is called the luteal phase which is named after the corpus luteum which is a structure that grows in the ovary. Ovulation will occur when the egg to be released from the ovary and to the fallopian tube and this marks the beginning of the luteal phase. The egg is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum. Without fertilization there will be continued drops in levels of estrogen and progesterone which trigger the end of the luteal phase and menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum (how to conceive a boy). The corpus luteum produces progesterone until the placenta begins to take over hormone production around eight to twelve weeks gestation. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days and can be known as the two week wait. The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.
Learn how you can have a boy by eating these foods
The pH of your body will either raise or lower depending on what foods you eat. If you have a low pH you will be more likely conceive a boy baby. The Y sperm are very weak and can't live for very long in an acidic vaginal tract that has a high pH. By eating a diet rich in alkaline foods you will bring your pH to a lower level and will be more likely to become pregnant with a baby boy. Alkaline rich food tilts the pH level of the cervical fluid making it less acidic. A less acidic environment in your cervix enables the Y chromosome sperm to survive more easily and move more quickly to fertilize the egg. If you can avoid foods with a high pH you can help change the environment of your vaginal tract. Some acidic foods that you should avoid include anything pickled and meats like beef and pork. Foods such as almonds and green tea are high in alkaline properties and should be consumed. You can visit your doctor or browse the internet to find a complete list of what foods are acidic and what are alkaline.
Understand how the hormones in your body affect ovulation and pregnancy with males
The first half of your menstrual cycle is known as the follicular phase. The length of your follicular phase can vary greatly taking just a week to over one month. Your uterus is very dense and that marks the start of your menstruation. Your levels of estrogen and progesterone will lower if your ovum of your last cycle during ovulation did not get fertilized. The low level of estrogen and progesterone shows your body that you aren’t pregnant and that it is time to start a new cycle by shedding the lining of your uterus. While you are menstruating your low levels of estrogen will release hormones known as the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (trying to get a baby boy). The hormone known as FSH is important because it tells your ovaries to start preparing follicles for ovulation. During your period the eggs inside the follicles will mature and estrogen will be released. When your estrogen levels reach a certain point this will tell your body that the egg is mature and ready to be released. The high level of estrogen will signal to your body to deliver the Luteinizing Hormone and after that you can expect to ovulate within 12-36 hours.
Get pregnant with a boy by understanding how the luteal phase of your body affects fertilization
The second stage of your cycle is called the luteal phase which is named after the corpus luteum which is a structure that grows in the ovary. Ovulation will occur when the egg to be released from the ovary and to the fallopian tube and this marks the beginning of the luteal phase. The egg is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum. Without fertilization there will be continued drops in levels of estrogen and progesterone which trigger the end of the luteal phase and menstruation. After implantation a human embryo produces human chorionic gonadotropin which preserves the corpus luteum (how to conceive a boy). The corpus luteum produces progesterone until the placenta begins to take over hormone production around eight to twelve weeks gestation. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days and can be known as the two week wait. The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.
Learn how you can have a boy by eating these foods
The pH of your body will either raise or lower depending on what foods you eat. If you have a low pH you will be more likely conceive a boy baby. The Y sperm are very weak and can't live for very long in an acidic vaginal tract that has a high pH. By eating a diet rich in alkaline foods you will bring your pH to a lower level and will be more likely to become pregnant with a baby boy. Alkaline rich food tilts the pH level of the cervical fluid making it less acidic. A less acidic environment in your cervix enables the Y chromosome sperm to survive more easily and move more quickly to fertilize the egg. If you can avoid foods with a high pH you can help change the environment of your vaginal tract. Some acidic foods that you should avoid include anything pickled and meats like beef and pork. Foods such as almonds and green tea are high in alkaline properties and should be consumed. You can visit your doctor or browse the internet to find a complete list of what foods are acidic and what are alkaline.
Understand how the hormones in your body affect ovulation and pregnancy with males
The first half of your menstrual cycle is known as the follicular phase. The length of your follicular phase can vary greatly taking just a week to over one month. Your uterus is very dense and that marks the start of your menstruation. Your levels of estrogen and progesterone will lower if your ovum of your last cycle during ovulation did not get fertilized. The low level of estrogen and progesterone shows your body that you aren’t pregnant and that it is time to start a new cycle by shedding the lining of your uterus. While you are menstruating your low levels of estrogen will release hormones known as the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (trying to get a baby boy). The hormone known as FSH is important because it tells your ovaries to start preparing follicles for ovulation. During your period the eggs inside the follicles will mature and estrogen will be released. When your estrogen levels reach a certain point this will tell your body that the egg is mature and ready to be released. The high level of estrogen will signal to your body to deliver the Luteinizing Hormone and after that you can expect to ovulate within 12-36 hours.